
“The history of missions is the history of answered prayer.”
– Samuel Zwemer


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Take the message of Christ to people who need to hear it. Interested in joining us on a short-term mission trip? Curious about what it looks like to share the gospel outside of your community? We’re ready to walk alongside you as you take this step in your discipleship.

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Sending Program

Through our Sending Program, we equip and send people from all walks of life to reach the unreached with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Our Missionaries

Our desire is to train and equip for the work of making disciples cross-culturally among the nations. Meet those who have answered this call for their lives.

Global Partners

When it comes to global missions, we have many ways you can be involved in having an impact on the nations. Learn more about some of our partnerships here at The Village.

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Staff Associated with Global Missions

Ellika Bolton

Ellika Bolton

Global Missions Mobilizer

Laura Dunnican

Laura Dunnican

Global Missions Mobilizer

Rachel Ellis

Rachel Ellis

Global Missions Coordinator

Pete Finfrock

Pete Finfrock

Minister, Global Missions Director

Trevor Joy

Trevor Joy

Pastor/Executive Director, Missions

Zach Lind

Zach Lind

Missions Resident

Adam Murphy

Adam Murphy

Global Missions Mobilizer

Shelley Rakestraw

Shelley Rakestraw

Executive Assistant to Trevor Joy

Rick Snyder

Rick Snyder

Global Missions Mobilization Leader

Brian Walck

Brian Walck

Missions Associate