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The Blessing of Brokenness

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Mission Mindset

| Aug 11, 2024

To be Jesus’ disciples, we must unfollow ourselves, give up the world, and follow Him. It won’t be easy, but it will be beautiful.

Counterfeit Faithfulness

| Aug 4, 2024

He was rich, so they thought he was blessed. He was young, so they followed his charisma. He was a ruler, so they marveled at his power. Christ saw...

Divine Delay

| Jul 28, 2024

When discerning God’s will for our lives, we might miss His “when” and “way.” David was to be king, but it would take 15 years marked by heartache,...

Give Me Somebody

| Jul 21, 2024

God promises His people that if they humble themselves, pray, seek Him, and turn from wickedness, He will hear them, forgive their sins, and heal t...

The Harvest

| Jul 14, 2024

When we look around us, do we see a world gone mad or do we, like Jesus, see the plentiful harvest? The world is ready for the good news of Jesus, ...

Long-Term Integrity

| Jul 7, 2024

Whatever your age, someone younger is always paying attention to you. So how do we go the distance, with integrity, and bless the generations comin...