Ryan Wester

Ryan Wester

Minister, Home Groups Director

Life Story

I was born and raised in Fort Worth, Texas. Despite being raised in the “Bible Belt,” I couldn't tell you a single verse from the Bible or retell the Easter story until I was 19. I grew up in a broken and turbulent home riddled with addiction and absentee parents. They separated when I was 9, and that began my journey of “you're on your own, kid.” I spent nearly two decades living on a path of destruction. I was completely broken on the inside, but kept all of my appearances on the outside looking just good enough to not get asked any questions. I went off to college at Angelo State University with a bleak outlook on life and eternity. I knew I had made terrible choices; I knew I wasn't a good person. I was apathetic and detached. BUT GOD!

Through a series of God-ordained events, I found myself helping out at a friend’s church in the preschool area. Instead of the walls burning down when I walked in, I was met with the grace of God to a sinner and sufferer like myself. I never disbelieved in God, but I had never been introduced to Jesus. My heart was wrecked in the best way possible by the gospel. When I heard that Jesus really knew me and loved me, I was all in.

I spent the rest of college sold-out to Jesus and loving and serving the local body. It was there that I learned what biblical discipleship was and grew a heart for the nations. God brought me back to Fort Worth in 2012. I got married in 2013 and now have three incredible, beautiful children. God has been and will continue to be so kind and faithful to us. 

Hope for The Village Church

My hope for The Village Church is that the love of Christ would compel us in all we do, that our lips would forever sing of the grace of God that reconciles sinners to Himself.