Peter Finfrock

Pete Finfrock

Minister, Global Missions Director

Life Story

I grew up in a home where my dad was a pastor and my mom was a missionary. I watched as these two people gave their lives away for others. Jesus was real and present. My parents didn’t just talk about Jesus, they loved Him, treasured Him, and were transformed by Him. I remember growing up thinking that people who love Jesus also love others who don’t look, talk, think, or even necessarily believe like them. This was modeled for me daily.

While I grew up in that type of home where my parents wholeheartedly followed Him, I chose not to. Sports, girls, friends, and partying summarized my life. This is what I gave everything to. My life and identity were wrapped up in them. Throughout the years, I found that those things would never satisfy me.

At 22 years old, Jesus came and saved me. I had a radical transformation and remember thinking that “this gospel isn’t just for me but for others.” The seeds my parents had sown took root in my spiritual life early on. I desperately wanted others to know this Jesus who saves sinners. By God’s grace, the Lord led me to tell people locally and globally about the good news of Jesus. 

I married the most godly woman on earth and the Lord has given us three incredible children. Over the years, the Lord has allowed us to help lead churches ranging from 10 to 10,000 people. We have helped lead megachurches in the states and house churches in the Middle East. God blessed us with over six years of living in the Middle East where we were able to lead and be a part of a church planting team. It was one of God’s greatest gifts to us. My wife and I feel so blessed that the Lord has led our family to TVC where we get to help make Jesus known here and around the world. 

Hope for The Village Church

I hope we would gladly, willingly, and joyfully leverage all our time, money, energy, and resources to get the gospel to those who have never heard.