Joshua Bagby

Josh Bagby

Technology Associate

Life Story

I was born and raised in Houston. I’m a Texan—never lived anywhere else—yet I don’t own a hat or boots. I had a great childhood, and my parents raised me in the church community to know Jesus.

Thankfully, I was blessed enough to understand my need for Jesus’ salvation when I was 7 years old, and was baptized shortly thereafter. Being raised in church, I knew to obey Jesus and follow the “rules,” so my life didn’t look outwardly different after accepting Christ.

While I had knowledge of God’s laws, I turned it into legalism. I sought to avoid “sinning” instead of actively following God. In this season of high school to college, I added to my faith perfectionism, or “I am what I achieve.” As a student athlete, these patterns continued because I was affirmed in my successes. Thankfully, I remained in church community even with this wrong theology. I’m grateful for the Christian community that helped reorient me to the truth of who God is and what He wants for my life.

While reconnecting to true faith, God called me into a season of ministry. Through faithful mentors and ministers of the gospel, I was lovingly shepherded as a young minister and grew a lot during that season. It was there, at our previous church, that I met my wife.

In almost six years of marriage, we’ve shared job changes, COVID lockdown, and had our three wonderful kids, Ellie, Bryce, and Micah. Through all of this God has shown me a new depth of His love and that His plans for me are better than any I could imagine.

Hope for The Village Church

My hope is that we are united under Christ and excellent in our roles, so we can be fully deployed ambassadors of the gospel throughout our community.