Darren Speck

Darren Speck


Life Story

I was raised in church by godly parents for whom I am so thankful. I was saved at the young age of 6 at Calvary Baptist Church in Muskogee, Oklahoma. I remember feeling the tug of the Holy Spirit on my heart as I walked down the aisle toward the pastor.

As I got into college, the gospel was not front and center of my life. I remember trying to “work” my way back which only led to more disappointment. Growing up in the church, I did not fully understand the true gospel, that God loved me just as I was, broken and sinful, and that His death on the cross was for my past, present, and future sins. It was not until I fully surrendered to Him, stopped trying to fix it myself, and became obedient to His calling that my life became full of peace.

I have been married to my beautiful wife, Andrea, for over 25 years. We have two daughters who have been such a blessing to us. My daughters have practically grown up here at The Village. I am humbled by the many godly leaders and teachers who have helped point their hearts to Christ.

Hope for The Village Church

My hope is that we would continue to be a welcoming body of Christ that displays the forgiving love, mercy, and grace of Jesus and that we would be a giving people marked by the truth of the gospel.