Madison Clay

Maddie Clay

Hospitality & Events Coordinator

Life Story

I grew up in Houston, Texas, with my parents and two older sisters. My grandpa was a pastor, so I attended church at least three times a week. At a summer camp in elementary school, I gave my life to Christ. I got baptized in middle school and was super plugged into my youth group. When I got to high school, I let everyone know I was a Christian but lived a very secret life that was not glorifying God. I put my identity in everything besides God and really struggled with the idea that God still loved me despite my sin. 

I went to college at the University of North Texas (caw!) intending to major in education since being a teacher had been a dream of mine since I was little. This was when the Lord stripped me of everything I found comfort in. I attended my college ministry’s weekly gathering and realized what living life for Christ actually looked like. God changed my heart, and I have never been the same since. 

The Lord called me to ministry when I was a sophomore in college and has been so faithful in placing ministry opportunities in front of me. I am honored to be a part of The Village team and cannot wait to make connections and see what the Lord has planned.

Hope for The Village Church

I hope The Village will be a home and safe place for people marked by making disciples. I pray that we continue to be a church that shares the gospel and loves people well.